Over the last few days I’ve been raiding slightly more than usual. I’ve been back into Icecrown a couple more times, where it feels that we’re around the Festergut-Rotface level of progression. I’ve also been back to ToC10 in order to pick up more badges and test out my new UI. It’s been a pretty…
Tag: raiding
It’s Only Taken Four Years
It’s great when you help others and get something from it yourself in return. As an example, I’ve recently been helping a bunch of level 60 characters work through some of the Vanilla WoW content. It means that they get a chance to face Old World dungeons and 40-man raiding, with raids lasting a few…
Being Late to the Party
I know I’m late to the Icecrown Citadel party, and that a ton of people are already doing it in heroic mode. Today I’m pleased to say that I managed to get in there, get some bosses down and bag some loot. I’ve managed to down everything including Festergut so far. And yes, I got…